TECHNOEVIDENCE: The „Turing Limit” 2020 by The Honorable John McClellan Marshall

„Man is a slow, sloppy, and brilliant thinker; computers are fast, accurate, and stupid.” ~ John Pfeiffer

Modern technology has had an undeniable impact on a wide range of social institutions. Not the least of these is the legal community and its efforts to seek the truth of a given situation. Once upon a time, indeed for centuries, lawyers were trained to present as „evidence” either oral testimony or physical items that supported their contentions. The 21st Century, however, has confronted attorneys with an entirely new reality. Conventional items that would be introduced into court as „evidence” may or may not be „authentic”. This problem is a direct result of the technology that generates the „evidence”. In order to assist in the process of „finding the truth”, the rules that apply to such items must accommodate this reality.

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The Honorable don John McClellan Marshall Senior Judge, Fourteenth Judicial District of Texas Sitting by Assignment
Honorary Professor of the University, UMCS.

ABC Juridic

ABC Juridic a luat naştere din dorinţa de a construi perspective pentru viitorii specialişti în domeniul juridic.

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