ABC Juridic va ofera Ghidul de Bune Practici în Expertiza Judiciară Civilă în cadrul Uniunii Europene

ABC Juridic figureaza ca proiect reprezentant al Romaniei in cadrul Institutului European pentru Experti si Expertiza.

The Project had risen from an idea of 3 freshmen law students – Constantin Gârbea, Andrei Popovici, Lucian Ungureanu – from the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest (Romania) and their professor (soon-to-be mentor), Prof. Silviu-Gabriel Barbu.
This was happening in the spring of 2014. In September 2014, the Project had materialized into the online platform – a platform created by students for students (mainly, but not only), under the coordination of both professors and professionals.
In a short period of time, more and more students became interested about the concept we were promoting, students not only from law schools across the country, but from other faculties as well. We have soon come to realize that any student, regardless of his study field, should be able to join the Project. First of all, because the law has its roots in every aspect of a society – economy, finance, politics et caetera, thus being interdependent and comprehended one through another.
Second of all, because our mission is one that anyone can and should adhere to – the desire to contribute to the building of tomorrow’s society, a balanced society based on knowledge and responsibility, with solid values, where normality is not an obsolete concept, but a modus vivendi.
In order to successfully accomplish our mission, we had subordinated our activity to a series of ethical principles reflected in every article we write, every bulletin we publish and every interview we ask for. Emerging from our scientific and academic profile, they consist of neutrality and impartiality. In other words, names and controversy are not the object of our activity. We strongly support the critical thinking with the rational eyes of the mind to the detriment of the emotional-dominated thinking (history offers the greatest arguments with regard to this matter).
Besides all of these, we are a community of students. We aim to promote each member of our team and his reasoning exposed in the written material through our online platform. This way, in the hypothesis of a job interview, for example, the participation to this Project (and all aspects that derive from the participation) shall constitute a strong advantage, as the online platform serves as a great proof for one’s academic and professional merits.
For 2016, we plan to expand this community world-wide (especially in Europe) by establishing strategic partnerships with student communities, universities, but also with interested institutions and organizations.
Finally, our most important project at this time is the “Legal education guide. Be independent through law !”, which addresses mainly to the high schoolers. By this project, we aim to contribute to the implementation of the Legal education matter in the high school curricula. The need for such matter and the benefits are numerous and indisputable.

In plus, echipa ABC Juridic a asigurat si traducerea Ghidului EEEI in limba romana.

Ghidul de Bune Practici în Expertiza Judiciară Civilă în cadrul Uniunii Europene este rezultatul muncii desfășurate de profesioniști europeni al căror scop este îmbunătățirea și armonizarea practicilor foarte diferite, întemeiat pe voința de a oferi un model european puternic și democratic aflat la dispoziția cetățenilor și companiilor din Uniunea Europeană. Acest consens a fost obținut în pofida actualelor diferențe procedurale și culturale sau a oricăror precauții existente.

Descarca ghidul EEEI in limba romana

ABC Juridic

ABC Juridic a luat naştere din dorinţa de a construi perspective pentru viitorii specialişti în domeniul juridic.

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